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Training in 2023

Writer's picture: West Jackson Fire DepartmentWest Jackson Fire Department

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

As we are getting near the end of the year we wanted to give an account of the amount of training your firefighters completed this year.

Annually, the State of Georgia requires each firefighter to complete 24 hours of training, and ISO gives maximum credit for a firefighter when they complete 216 hours of training. Officers and drivers also complete an additional 12 hours of training.

Along with these training standards for Firefighters we also complete EMS recertification hours. The Department completed an additional 16 hours for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) certification. Staff completed initial Driver's Training, and four of our members completed EMT training.

We hosted leadership and hands-on training for our crews and invited neighboring agencies to participate. Members of the Department also completed training in specialized fields or areas that are a benefit to the community.

6078 Total Hours of Training

Firefighters at West Jackson Fire Department completed 6078 Hours of training this year. A lot of that could not have happened without the hard work of the Training Officer Captain Jordan Edge and the Field Training Officers on each shift. Our crews put a lot of work and effort into getting realistic training at our department this year. We are looking forward to the 2024 training schedule and how it will enhance our department and the service we provide our community.


ISO Class 3

We are proud to rated as an ISO Class 3. Learn more about the West Jackson Fire Department's ISO rating and how our annual training affects it. Also, how these ratings impact your homeowners insurance.


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